Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring 2009, Week 3

February 25, 2009 - Week 3

There was no Fieldwork last week, but everyone seemed pleased to return to the task at hand of creating and working and exploring.

Works in progress included a short story, and some poetry.

Some responses I had to the work being presented this week:
-news collector
-timeless, families moving in together, kids drawn to the forbidden, people collecting stories
-felt let in on a secret
-pacing was intriguing
-someone sneaking into your soul
-intriguing cadence
-appreciate ephemeral nature of the poetry


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spring 2009, Week 2

February 11, 2009 - Week 2

The second week of Fieldwork had a return of the participants who started the workshop.

Works in progress included a dance, a poem, a couple of short stories, and a monologue.

Some responses I had to the work that was presented:
-challenging someone?
-reminiscent of a tightrope
-movement reminded me of someone drawing....maybe tasting
-felt like character was letting people in, but not everyone
-character's environment felt very unsupportive and that made me sad
-character's voice held a lot of pain and longing, but also resolve
-vivid descriptions, could visualize the scene
-worried that I was going to cry because of the subject matter, but the speaker was gentle enough not to
-everything tied together

Responses to my work in progress that stood out:
-timely, frustrated because trouble hearing asides
-light hearted tone with serious under current
-subject matter seemed as if it was not funny at the time, but is funny now
-duality interesting
-catchy phrases
-dropping ends of sentences


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spring 2009, Week 1

February 4, 2009 - Week 1

Week one of the Spring 2009 Fieldwork Houston began with introductions and a brief catching up with among those who have worked together.

This week's projects included a couple of poems, song lyrics, and a couple of short stories.

Some responses I had to the works in progress that were presented:
-it reminded me of an ex-boyfriend that you keep rebounding to
-very human
-is it worse to write the same thing once a day than to not write?
-reminded me of a friend who is writing captions for her own photographs once a day just to write, to develop the habit
-tickled by the idea of a dating resume
-related to the idea of threatening/promising to write about an event
-related to the idea of being open and scared of being vulnerable or going too far/sharing too much
-the speaker felt very feminine in the literary sense/very motherly

Some responses to my work that stood out:
-body language focused counterbalanced erratic voice/energy
-not trying to scare, but reassure
-character on a bus? in a bar?
-curious about one of the characters
-adventure story
-difficulty understanding every word

Notes to self:
it's not about "good"
it's about doing
...the process